Japanese causative form | Learn Japanese

Japanese Causative form

Japanese causative form is a bit unique since Japanese language is very context-centered  language such as subject/object deletion. In Japanese, subjects and objects are shared by the context. In, English causative forms are “made/let “, and have different meaning by different verbs. In Japanese, causative from appears in one verb form and meanings are defined by the object particles.  Causatives are one of the great example of this phenomena. In this post I will go through basic grammer and some examples of Japanese causatives; moreover, causative forms + other grammatical forms such as passives.

Basic form:  Verb(pre-masuform) + saseru

Causative : make/let ~

1.Without direct object

1) make: causer make cause do V(without causee’s will)

先生は、   学生   教えさせた。
causer     causee
The teacher made the student teach.

2) Let: causer let causee do V (with causee’s will)

先生は、 学生  教えさせた。
causer       causee
The teacher let the student do V

2.With direct object

は、     英語     教えさせました。
causer       causee   direct obj
The teacher made/let the student teach English.

In this case, the context triggers the meaning let/make such as

Taro said he want to be a English teacher in the future.
山田先生は、太郎くんに、15分間 英語を教えさせました。
Mr.Yamada(teacher Yamada) let him teach English for 15 min.

3. More causative (combined to other forms)

1) Causative-passive | V-premasu + sase (causative form) + rareru(passive form)

私は、   両親に、勉強させられました。
causee   causer
I was made to study by my parents.

You can paraphrase this

causer causee
My parents made me study.

2) causative+receiving/giving verb

received a favor of letting me study abroad

giving a favor of letting him/her go to the collage.

Learning Japanese causative form is very important to gain your Japanese skills.



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