Pokémon nests in Tokyo Updated: 09/03/2016

The tide of PokémonGo heat in Japan seems to be calmed down, but still many people are playing Tokyo. I still see clouds of salarymen after 19:00 (in general, work hours ends 18:00 – 19:00) in certain parks or near rivers (meguro river). The weather in Japan is still keeping summer, so when you are planning to visit these parks during the day time, you still need to be careful on heatstroke. In my previous blog post (http://www.dicethekamikaze.com/blog/jp-culture/Pokémon-nests-in-tokyo/) showed the Pokémon nests in Tokyo, but Pokémon company has decided to shuffle the nests randomly according to http://Pokémongohub.net/huge-changes-Pokémon-go-nests-spawns/ . This changes came into Tokyo in couple weeks ago, and I decided … Continue reading Pokémon nests in Tokyo Updated: 09/03/2016